Terms & Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, as they set out each of our legal rights and obligations in
relation to our services.

1. Definitions and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms and Conditions:
“Agreement” means our contract with you for the supply of Goods and Services incorporating these
Terms and Conditions, and any amendments to such a contract from time to time;
“Acceptance Email” means the email document issued by us confirming an Agreement, or other
correspondence from us detailing the scope of the Goods and Services, identifying you as our Client and
other matters relating to an Agreement or our provision of Goods and Services;
“Client” “you” and “your” means the client under an Agreement, as identified in our Acceptance Email
and/or the client purchasing Goods from us via our Website;
“Effective Date” means the date we provide our Acceptance Email to you;
“Force Majeure Event” means an event, or a series of related events, that is outside the reasonable
control of the party affected (including power failures, industrial disputes affecting any third party,
changes to the law, disasters, explosions, fires, floods, riots, terrorist attacks and wars);
“Goods” means goods purchased from us 
“Healthy Homes Standards” means the standards prescribed under the Residential Tenancies
(Healthy Homes Standards) Regulations 2019;
“No Show Fee” means the amount of $79.00 plus GST payable in accordance with clause 15.2 and
which may be varied in accordance with Clause 6.2 ;
“Price” means the price payable by you to us in respect of an Agreement and/or for Goods and Services,
as set out in our Acceptance Email and which may be varied in accordance with Clause 6.2 ;
“Property Owner” means the legal or beneficial owner of the property subject to the Agreement;
“Term” means the term of an Agreement.
“We” “us” and “our” means The Good Home Group Limited T/A The Good Home New Zealand
New Zealand and its successors and assigns or any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of
The Good Home Group Limited;
“Website” means our website at www.thegoodhome.nz
“Working Day” means any weekday, other than a bank or public holiday in New Zealand;
1.2. In these Terms and Conditions, a reference to a statute or statutory provision includes a reference to:
1.2.1. that statute or statutory provision as modified, consolidated and/or re-enacted from time to time;
1.2.2. any subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision.
1.3. The Clause headings do not affect the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.
1.4. In these Terms and Conditions, “persons” includes companies, partnerships, limited liability partnerships,
unincorporated associations and trusts.

2. Acceptance

2.1. Our receipt of a work order or other instruction from you together with our subsequent provision of an
Acceptance Email to you confirming the details of an Agreement, or your submission of a purchase
order for Goods or Services, shall be evidence of your acceptance of these Terms
and Conditions and your intention to be bound by them.
2.2. Acceptance of our Terms and Conditions as set out in clause 2.1 creates a legally binding contract
between you and us regardless that your work order or instructions are on behalf of the Property
Owner as their property manager or agent.
2.3. Upon acceptance these Terms and Conditions are irrevocable and can only be rescinded in
accordance with these Terms and Conditions or with our written consent.
2.4. These Terms and Conditions are to be read in conjunction with our Acceptance Email as provided by
us to you. If there are any inconsistencies between the two documents then the provisions contained
in this document shall prevail.

3. Agreement

3.1. Each Agreement will come into force on its Effective Date and will continue in force until completion of
the Agreement, unless and until terminated in accordance with Clause 16 .

4. Goods and Services

4.1. We will supply the Goods and Services to you in accordance with the terms of each Agreement, and at
all times in a professional manner and in accordance with appropriate standards. We will not be
responsible for any make-good repairs or re-painting in circumstances where we have replaced or
installed goods (for example make-good of ceiling paint after replacement of smoke detectors)
4.2. We may suspend the provision of the Goods and Services if you fail to pay by the due date any amount
due to us in respect of an Agreement.
4.3. From time to time during the Term we may be unable to supply the Services by reason of personnel
illness or personnel shortage, in which case:
4.3.1. we will use reasonable endeavours to engage alternative personnel to supply the Services; and
4.3.2. subject to our compliance with Clause 4.3.1 , we will not be in breach of the terms of the
Agreement by virtue of any failure to supply the Services arising out of such inability.
4.4. From time to time we may be unable to provide the brand of Goods set out in an Agreement or
Acceptance Email, due to reasons beyond our control such as our suppliers being out of stock, in which
case we may, at our sole discretion, provide a similar or replacement brand.
4.5. Where our Services include provision of Smoke Alarm testing we will provide replacement alarms for
those that fail subject to the following terms:
4.5.1. You commit to this Agreement for a period of two years from the date the new Smoke Alarms are
installed, to be invoiced annually in advance; and
4.5.2. You agree that should you terminate this Agreement within two years or fail to pay an invoice in
accordance with its terms then we may charge you for the cost of the Smoke Alarms installed and
an early termination administration fee (as set out on the Website and updated from time to time).

5. Client obligations

5.1. You will indemnify us and will keep us indemnified against any and all losses, costs, expenses, damages
and liabilities (including legal expenses and amounts paid in settlement of legal claims or proceedings)
arising directly or indirectly out of any breach by you of an Agreement.
5.2. You will not be relieved of your obligations under an Agreement by any failure of the Property Owner to
pay you for Goods and Services provided by us under an Agreement entered into with you. For the sake
of clarity, this means that you will be liable to pay for the Goods and Services provided by us even if you
are working as an agent or property manager for the Property Owner at the time of entering into an
Agreement and regardless whether the Property Owner has paid you for the Goods and Services
5.3. You will indemnify us and will keep us indemnified against any and all losses, costs, expenses, damages
and liabilities (including legal expenses and amounts paid in settlement of legal claims or proceedings) in
relation to tenants’ belongings, property or vehicles that are or may be identifiable in our report to you.

6. Price and Payment

6.1. At our sole discretion the Price shall be the Price quoted on our Acceptance Email which shall be binding
upon us provided that you shall accept our quotation in writing within thirty (30) days.
6.2. We may, by giving notice to you, increase the Price of the Goods and Services and/or the No Show
Fee to reflect any increase in the cost to us beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation,
increases in taxes or insurance premiums).
6.3. Time for payment for the Goods and Services shall be of the essence and at our sole discretion payment
shall be due upon your receipt of our Acceptance Email.
6.4. Payment must be made in cleared funds by credit card payment via our website or by direct credit via
electronic/online banking to the account specified on our invoice, or by any other method stipulated by
6.5. GST and other taxes and duties that may be applicable shall be added to the Price and shall be
paid by you at the time of paying the Price.

6.6. Overdue Amounts: We may charge you a late fee and/or interest at 2.5% per month on any fees remaining unpaid after the due date for payment. Interest will accrue until payment is made. Please make sure payments are made within the invoices due date to make sure this cost is not incurred.

Failure to pay the total amount owing on any account by the due date may result in the account being referred for debt collection and you will be liable for all fees, interest, legal and collection costs incurred in the collection and enforcement of the overdue amount.


7. Warranties

7.1. You warrant that you have the power to enter into this Agreement and have obtained all necessary
authorisations to allow you to do so, you are not insolvent and that this agreement creates binding and
valid legal obligations on you.
7.2. We warrant to you that:
7.2.1. We have the legal right and authority to enter into and perform our obligations required by each
Agreement; and
7.2.2. the Services will be performed with reasonable care and skill.
7.3. If you believe that Goods and Services have not been provided in accordance with Clause 7.2.2 , then
you must:
7.3.1. notify us promptly; and
7.3.2. allow and enable us to review the Services provided and re-perform the relevant Services.
7.4. All of the parties’ warranties and representations in respect of the subject matter of the Agreement are
expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions and in the Acceptance Email. To the maximum extent
permitted by applicable law and subject to Clause 7.1 , no other warranties or representations concerning
the subject matter of the Agreement will be implied into these Terms and Conditions, the Acceptance
Email, the Agreement or any other contract.
7.5. You must notify us promptly of any defects discovered in the Goods or provision of the Services.
Provided that you advise us in writing within 90 days of completion of our work or any defined stage of
our work, we will:
7.5.1. remedy any defective Services provided;
7.5.2. repair or replace, at our sole discretion, any faulty Goods.
7.6. We will not be liable for any consequential costs or losses arising directly or indirectly out of any
defective Goods and/or provision of the Services, including for any damage subsequent to our
installation of smoke detectors.
7.7. All Goods are provided subject to the manufacturer’s standard warranty, which is usually between one
and five years, depending on the product. We do not warrant that manufacturers’ repair facilities and
parts will be available for the Goods.
7.8. Our warranty is in addition to any rights you may have as a consumer under the Consumer Guarantees
Act 1993. The guarantees implied by that Act are expressly excluded if you are acquiring Goods for the
purpose of a business, to the extent that the Goods are being used in a commercial or trade context.
7.9. We warrant the Services for a period of 12 months from the date of the Services being provided. Where
relevant we reserve the right to affix a record of service on the Goods and we shall endeavour to place it
as discretely as possible.
7.10. At our sole discretion, we will reinstall faulty Goods replaced under clauses 7.5 or 7.7 at our cost or
alternatively at a price negotiated with you.
7.11. The above warranties are subject to:
7.11.1. no damage or misuse of the Goods by you;
7.11.2. correct installation and operation of the Goods (if we have not installed them);
7.11.3. adequate packaging, cleaning and maintenance of the Goods in accordance with our
instructions to you;
7.11.4. only authorised repairs and modifications being made to the Goods.

8. Risk

8.1. We carry public liability cover in respect of the provision of the Services under an Agreement in the
amount of $2,000,000.00. We do not currently carry, and as such we hereby expressly exclude any
liability for, professional indemnity cover in relation to provision of the Goods and Services under an

9. Purchase, Title and Risk

9.1. You acknowledge and agree that ownership of the Goods shall not pass, until:
9.1.1. you have paid us all amounts owing for the Goods; and
9.1.2. you have met all other obligations due by you to us in respect of all contracts between us and you;
9.1.3. receipt by us of any form of payment other than cleared funds in our bank account, shall not be
deemed to be payment until that form of payment has been honoured, cleared or recognised and
until then our ownership or rights in respect of the Goods, and this agreement, shall continue.

9.2. It is further agreed that:
9.2.1. Until ownership of the Goods passes to you in accordance with clause 8.1 that you are only a
bailee of the Goods and unless they have become fixtures you must return them to us on request;
9.2.2. You hold the benefit of your insurance of the Goods on trust for us and must pay to us the
proceeds of any insurance in the event of the Goods being lost, damaged or destroyed;
9.2.3. The production of these Terms and Conditions by us shall be sufficient evidence of our rights to
receive the insurance proceeds direct from the insurer without the need for any person dealing
with us to make further enquiries;
9.2.4. You must not sell, dispose, or otherwise part with possession of the Goods other than in the
ordinary course of business and for market value. If you sell, dispose or part with possession of
the Goods then you must hold the proceeds of any such disposition on trust for us and must pay
or deliver the proceeds to us on demand;
9.2.5. You should not convert or process the Goods or intermix them with other goods but if you do so
then you hold the resulting product on trust for the benefit of us and must sell, dispose of or return
the resulting product to us as we so direct;
9.2.6. Unless the Goods have become fixtures you irrevocably authorise us to enter any premises where
we believe they are kept and recover possession of them;
9.2.7. We may recover possession of any Goods in transit whether or not delivery has occurred;
9.2.8. You shall not charge or grant an encumbrance over the Goods nor grant nor otherwise give away
any interest in the Goods while they remain our property.}

10. Security and Charge

10.1. In consideration of us agreeing to provide Goods and/or Services to you on credit, you charge by way of
mortgage all of your rights, title and interest (whether joint or several) in any land, realty or other assets
capable of being charged, owned by you either now or in the future, to secure the performance by you of
your obligations under these Terms and Conditions (including, but not limited to, the payment of any
10.2. You indemnify us from and against all our costs and disbursements including legal costs on a solicitor
and own client basis incurred in exercising our rights under this clause.
10.3. You irrevocably appoint us and each of our directors as your true and lawful attorney/s to perform all
necessary acts to give effect to the provisions of this clause including, but not limited to, signing any
document on your behalf.

11. Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (“PPSA”)

11.1. By agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions you acknowledge and agree that:
11.1.1. these Terms and Conditions constitute a security agreement for the purposes of the PPSA;
11.1.2. a security interest is taken in all Goods being purchased by you and provided to you on credit
by us.
11.2. You undertake to:
11.2.1. sign any further documents and/or provide any further information (such information to be
complete, accurate and up-to- date in all respects) which we may reasonably require to register a
financing statement or financing change statement on the Personal Property Securities Register;
11.2.2. indemnify, and upon demand reimburse, us for all expenses incurred in registering a financing
statement or financing change statement on the Personal Property Securities Register or releasing any Goods charged thereby;
11.2.3. not register a financing change statement or a change demand without our prior written

11.3. You agree with us that nothing in sections 114(1)(a), 133 and 134 of the PPSA shall apply to these
Terms and Conditions.
11.4. You waive your rights as a debtor under sections 116, 120(2), 121, 125, 126, 127, 129, 131 and 132 of
the PPSA.
11.5. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by us, you waive your right to receive a verification statement in
accordance with section 148 of the PPSA.
11.6. You unconditionally ratify any actions taken by us under clauses 11.1 to 11.5 .

12. Limitations and exclusions of liability

12.1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will:
12.1.1. limit or exclude the liability of a party for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
12.1.2. limit or exclude the liability of a party for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by that party;
12.1.3. limit any liability of a party in any way that is not permitted under applicable law;
12.1.4. exclude any liability of a party that may not be excluded under applicable law; or
12.1.5. limit or exclude any statutory rights that a party has as a consumer.
12.2. The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Clause 12 and elsewhere in these Terms and
12.2.1. are subject to Clause 12.1 ; and
12.2.2. govern all liabilities arising under the Agreement or in relation to the subject matter of the
Agreement, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of
statutory duty.

12.3. You accept that we operate to a best practice model using proven methods for testing and test location
selection. This ensures that we provide you with the best possible testing, however it does not guarantee
that we will find all issues related to the Healthy Home Standards, particularly if efforts have been made
to hide such. We will not be held liable for a failure to locate issues, or if such is found at the property at
a later date.
12.4. We will not be liable to you for any losses arising out of a Force Majeure Event.
12.5. In circumstances where we are providing Services based on information provided by you and/or your
property manager, or a Healthy Homes report provided by another party we will not be liable for any
losses to, or costs incurred by, you resulting from the other party’s report.

13. Force Majeure Event

13.1. Where a Force Majeure Event gives rise to a failure or delay in either party performing its obligations
required by any Agreement (other than obligations to make payment), those obligations will be
suspended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event.

14. Default and Consequences of Default

14.1. At our sole discretion interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment
becomes due, until the date of payment, at a rate of two and a half percent (2.5%) per calendar month
(and at our sole discretion such interest shall compound monthly at such a rate) after as well as before
any judgment.
14.2. If you owe us any money you shall indemnify us from and against all costs and disbursements
incurred by us in recovering the debt (including but not limited to legal costs on a solicitor and own
client basis, our collection agency costs, and bank dishonour fees).
14.3. Without prejudice to any other remedies we may have, if at any time you are in breach of any
obligation (including those relating to payment) under these Terms and Conditions we may suspend or
terminate the provision of Services to you. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage you
suffer because we have exercised our rights under this clause.

15. Timing

15.1. We will work with you to arrange a suitable time to provide the Goods and Services under each
Agreement. If we are unable to access the property to provide the Goods and Services at the arranged
time, an alternative time will be arranged subject to clause 15.2 . If we are repeatedly unable to access
the property the Agreement may be terminated in accordance with clause 16.3 .
15.2. If we need to arrange an alternative time to perform the Services due to our being unable to access the property at the arranged time, we reserve the right to charge you a No Show Fee.

16. Termination

16.1. Either party may terminate an Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the other party if the
other party:
16.1.1. commits any material breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions or the relevant
Acceptance Email, and:
16.1.2. the breach is not remediable; or
16.1.3. the breach is remediable, but the other party fails to remedy the breach within 10 working days
of receipt of a written notice requiring it to do so; or
16.1.4. persistently breaches these Terms and Conditions and/or the relevant Acceptance Email.
16.2. Either party may terminate an Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the other party if:
16.2.1. the other party:
is dissolved;
ceases to conduct all (or substantially all) of its business;
is or becomes unable to pay its debts as they fall due;
is or becomes insolvent or is declared insolvent; or
convenes a meeting, or makes or proposes to make any Agreement or composition, with its
16.2.2. an administrator, administrative receiver, liquidator, receiver, trustee, manager or similar is
appointed over any of the assets of the other party;
16.2.3. an order is made for the winding up of the other party, or the other party passes a resolution for
its winding up (other than for the purpose of a solvent company re-organisation where the
resulting entity will assume all the obligations of the other party under the Agreement); or
16.2.4. where that other party is an individual that other party dies, or as a result of illness or incapacity
becomes incapable of managing his or her own affairs, or is the subject of a bankruptcy petition
or order.

16.3. We may terminate an Agreement if you repeatedly fail to provide access to the property in accordance with clause 15 . If an Agreement is terminated under this clause then you will forfeit the Price already paid and you
will need to arrange and pay for a new Agreement at a later time and/or date.
16.4. We may terminate an Agreement immediately at any time by giving written notice to you if you fail to pay
in full and on time any amount due to us, whether due in respect of that Agreement or otherwise.

17. Effects of termination

17.1. Upon termination of an Agreement, all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the Acceptance
Email will cease to have effect, save that the following provisions of these Terms and Conditions will
survive and continue to have effect (in accordance with their terms or otherwise indefinitely): Clauses 1 ,
2 , 5 , 7 , 12 , 14 , 17 , 18 and 23 .
17.2. Termination of an Agreement will not affect either party’s accrued liabilities and rights (including accrued
rights to be paid) as at the date of termination.

18. Confidentiality

18.1. The provisions of this agreement are strictly confidential to the parties. Neither party may disclose
or permit to be disclosed any provision of, or any information (and particularly any financial
information) relating to the subject of these Terms and Conditions to any person not a party
without first obtaining the written consent of the other party as to both the person to whom
disclosure is to be made and the terms of such disclosure.

19. Dispute Resolution

19.1. We will endeavour, but will not be required to resolve all disputes between you and us amicably provided that if we cannot resolve a dispute, then no proceedings will be issued in Court in
respect of the dispute without the dispute first being mediated by a single mediator appointed by
agreement between the parties and failing agreement and on the application of one of them, by
the Chief Executive Officer for the time being of the Resolution Institute of New Zealand.

20. Compliance with Laws

20.1. The parties shall comply with the provisions of all statutes, regulations and bylaws of government,
local and other public authorities that may be applicable to the Services, including but not limited
to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, the Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes
Standards) Regulations 2019 and the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

21. Consumer Guarantees Act 1993

21.1. You agree that any guarantees provided under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 that apply to
our provision of Goods and Services to you are expressly excluded where you enter an
Agreement for the purposes of a business.

22. Privacy Act 2020

22.1. You authorise us or our agent to:
22.1.1. access, collect, retain and use any information about you;
 for the purpose of assessing your creditworthiness; and/or
 for the purpose of marketing products and services to you; and/or
 for the purpose of providing Goods and Services to you.
22.1.2. disclose information about you, whether collected by us from you directly or obtained by us
from any other source, to any other credit provider or any credit reporting agency for the
purposes of providing or obtaining a credit reference, debt collection or notifying a default by

22.2. The authorities under clause 22.1 are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act
2020 (“Privacy Act”).
22.3. You shall have the right to request a copy of the information about you retained by us and the right to
request us to correct any incorrect information about you held by us.
22.4. Where you authorise us to access information on your behalf for the purpose of providing
Goods and Services to you, including by accessing information via Application Programming
Interface (“API”) or any other method, you are responsible for obtaining any Privacy Act
consents in relation to any personal information contained therein.
22.5. You specifically indemnify and hold us harmless from any claim in relation to breach of
privacy for any personal information accessed in the manner referred to in clause 22.4 .

23. General

23.1. Our failure to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not be treated as a waiver of
that provision, nor shall it affect our right to subsequently enforce that provision.
23.2. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable the
validity, existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected,
prejudiced or impaired.
23.3. These Terms and Conditions and any contract to which they apply shall be governed by the laws of
New Zealand and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.
23.4. We shall be under no liability whatever to you for any indirect or consequential loss and/or expense
(including loss of profit) suffered by you arising out of a breach by us of these Terms and Conditions.
23.5. In the event of any breach of this contract by us your remedies shall be limited to damages. Under no
circumstances shall our liability exceed the Price of the Goods and Services.
23.6. You shall not be entitled to set off against or deduct from the Price any sums owed or claimed to be
owed to you by us.
23.7. We reserve the right to review these Terms and Conditions at any time. If, following any such review,
there is to be any change to these Terms and Conditions, then that change will take effect from the
date on which we notify you of such change.
23.8. Subject to clause 23.7 , the Terms and Conditions of a particular Agreement may not be varied except bya written document signed by or on behalf of each of the parties.
23.9. We may freely assign our rights and obligations under any Agreement without your consent. Save as
expressly provided in this clause or elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions, neither party may, without
the prior written consent of the other party, assign, transfer, charge, license or otherwise dispose of or
deal in any rights or obligations under any Agreement.
23.10. Each Agreement is entered into for the sole benefit of the parties and is not intended to benefit any third
party or be enforceable by any third party.